Terror Weekend Interview
https://www.terrorweekend.com/2022/09/entrevista-david-j-ellison-director.html Translated version https://www-terrorweekend-com.translate.goog/2022/09/entrevista-david-j-ellison-director.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp
Production Designer, Editor and Locations 3
PRODUCTION BENT We finally met up with our production designer who had been tied up with other productions
Locations part 2, Costume and Makeup
LOCATIONS AGAIN? Although we were building sets we could only afford the bedroom and hallway, the bathroom front
Producers, VFX and Actors
PRODUCERS Mike had recently partnered up with Michael Keogh a professional actor and director of several short films
Locations Part 1
Writing a screenplay these days is not enough, no matter how good, people need to see what